
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Research on Fate, Gods, and Mortals in the Iliad

Delin Liu

St. Marks School, Southborough, MA, USA.

*Corresponding author: Delin Liu

Published: April 15,2024


The concept of fate, as known to many, precludes the knowledge of events as they are destined to occur. Many people, including characters in the Iliad, demonstrate their understanding that fate is inevitable. This idea is supported by Homer, who, through various characters and their interactions with immortals, asserts the supremacy of fate over the free will of human beings. Intriguingly, there exists a contrast in how gods perceive and interact with fate. Homer demonstrates that gods not only perceive and understand fate differently, but they also have the power to alter it. Different scholars have debated the meaning of this discrepancy and its implications for free will. The fact that gods can alter fate suggests that free will may be irrelevant. Homer exemplifies each instance of this debate, such as when human beings exercise free will, when they show their acceptance of fate, and when they affirm their knowledge of the impending events of fate. Importantly, scholars have sought to question the absurdity of the events depicted in the book, where human beings are portrayed as having knowledge of fate, as seen in the story of Achilles. Deductively, the Homeric worldview, although riddled with slight contradictions, appears to be helpful for readers seeking to comprehend and resolve the intractability of fate.


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How to cite this paper

Research on Fate, Gods, and Mortals in the Iliad

How to cite this paper: Delin Liu. (2024) Research on Fate, Gods, and Mortals in the Iliad. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science8(3), 560-567.