
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Article Open Access

The Analysis of Blockchain Technology’s Application in the Art Market

Qin Zhang

New York University, New York, USA.

*Corresponding author: Qin Zhang

Published: April 15,2024


The paper addresses the potential of blockchain technology to create a positive change in the art world by improving the sustainability of the art market. It provides an overview of blockchain technology and addresses existing problems in the art market. The blockchain technology is evolving rapidly and spreading its influence widely. It provides a highly transparent yet secure environment and offers a new tool for information distribution. In today's knowledge-based economy era, with the development of social culture, art has permeated all aspects of life. The protection of intellectual property rights in art has become a serious problem. Blockchain technology has the potential to bring about positive changes in the art market, enhancing acceptance and visibility in both online and traditional art markets. The paper concludes that blockchain technology offers new possibilities and approaches for collecting and selling art. What we need is a more regulated art market with increased transparency, diversity, and efficiency. The paper argues that blockchain technology can eventually enhance the commercial value of art by offering emerging artists and amateur collectors a more accessible and secure entry into the art market.


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How to cite this paper

The Analysis of Blockchain Technology's Application in the Art Market

How to cite this paper: Qin Zhang. (2024) The Analysis of Blockchain Technology's Application in the Art Market. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science8(3), 556-559.