
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Adaptation and Growth Performance Evaluation of Selected Multipurpose Trees and Shrubs at Yabello District, Borana Zone, Southern Oromia, Ethiopia

Sisay Taye*, Siraj Kelil

Oromia Agricultural Research Institute, Yabello Pastoral and Dryland Agriculture Research Center, Yabello, Ethiopia.

*Corresponding author: Sisay Taye

Published: February 4,2024


A study was conducted on three multipurpose agroforestry tree species: Moringa oleifera, Olea europea, and Calliandra calothyrsus at Yabello Agriculture Research Center to evaluate their adaptability and growth performance. The experiment was arranged in RCBD with three replications. The growth parameters; survival rate, plant height, diameter at breast height, and root collar diameters were measured and recorded each year. The results revealed that the variations among tree species in survival rate were highly significant (p<0.001) after four years of age. This could be due to environmental factors and the genetic potential of the species, which generally govern the growth of a given species. Among the species tested, Moringa oleifera and Olea europea showed the highest performance in terms of survival rate. Olea europea and Moringa oleifera showed the highest survival rates, with 83.33%, and 77.78% respectively. On the other hand, Calliandra calothyrsus showed the lowest survival rate (22.22%). Thus, the long dry season, which extended for the last four years in the study area, clearly explains the poor survival and growth response of the species. Hence, it can be inferred that the conditions in Yabello match the environmental requirements of Moringa oleifera and Olea europea. Therefore, the species offers much promise for future use in agroforestry practices in the area. Thus, the study advocates for the proper allocation of adapted species in Yabello conditions and related agroecology for agroforestry practices, forest plantations, and economic benefits for stakeholders.


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How to cite this paper

Adaptation and Growth Performance Evaluation of Selected Multipurpose Trees and Shrubs at Yabello District, Borana Zone, Southern Oromia, Ethiopia

How to cite this paper: Sisay Taye, Siraj Kelil. (2024) Adaptation and Growth Performance Evaluation of Selected Multipurpose Trees and Shrubs at Yabello District, Borana Zone, Southern Oromia, EthiopiaInternational Journal of Food Science and Agriculture, 8(1), 1-8.