
The Educational Review, USA

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Incorporating Extensive Reading into Reading Lessons for the Development of Reading Abilities

Pham Thi Thuy*, Duong Thi Thuc 
Military Science Academy, Vietnam
*Corresponding author: Pham Thi Thuy, Military Science Academy, Vietnam.
Published: February 13,2019


The study aims at investigating the effects of incorporating extensive reading into reading lessons to enhance students' reading ability and increase their English proficiency on the whole. A quasi-experiment was conducted in two groups of first-year English majors at Military Science Academy (MSA): 16AD1-the experimental group and 16AD2 - the control group. The main instruments deployed are pre-test and post-test. Also, to ensure the validity and reliability of the study, an introspective interview with three best and three worst students was carried, transcribed and analyzed. The effects of incorporating extensive reading into reading lessons were measured through the T-test based on a pre-test - post-test comparison. The data obtained were generalized and analyzed by using percentage, mean, standard deviation, and dependent samples t-test. From the results of the study, some suggestions on practical applications of extensive reading and monitoring students’ performance are also made.


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How to cite this paper

Incorporating Extensive Reading into Reading Lessons for the Development of Reading Abilities

How to cite this paper: Thuy, P.T., Thuc, D.T., (2020). Incorporating Extensive Reading into Reading Lessons for the Development of Reading Abilities. The Educational Review, USA, 4(2), 38-44..