
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Application of DNA Barcode COI Sequence in the Identification of Common Fish Adulteration

Ruining Kang1, Qingxiang Zhang1, Qing Yang2, Zhengpeng Wei2, Yanbo Wang1, Jinmei Wang2, Lanlan Zhu1,*

1Shandong University of Technology, Zibo, Shandong, China.

2Rongcheng Taixiang Food Co., Ltd, Rongcheng, Shandong, China.

*Corresponding author: Lanlan Zhu

Published: January 22,2024


Objective: In order to reduce the adulteration of fish products and ensure the rights and interests of consumers and their lives and health, this study draws on the research results of bioinformatics and molecular biology and uses DNA barcode COI sequence for analysis. Establish a technical system for the identification of the origin of common fish varieties in the market, in order to provide technical support for the quality assurance of fish products. Methods: DNA barcoding technology was used in this study with the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene as the target locus. DNA was extracted from samples of 7 commercially available fish species. PCR was carried out using specific COI primers followed by agarose gel electrophoresis to separate amplified products. The amplified DNA was separated using agarose electrophoresis. This allowed for the determination of the most appropriate annealing temperature for the PCR reaction system and COI primers, based on the observed electrophoretic separation effect. The amplified DNA was then manually sequenced, and subsequently, the sequences were compared and spliced manually. Multiple sequence comparison was used to analyze the homology of the related sequences. Results: COI sequences showed over 98% similarity, with the exception of big-head carp and mackerel sequencing, demonstrating that universal primers are not adequate for freshwater fish like bighead carp and mackerel. The Spanish mackerel, together with other fish, had indeterminate fish mixture components; DNA barcoding technology was found useful in precisely detecting single fish, but not for the identification of fish flesh mixtures. Conclusion: In this investigation, we examined the COI sequences of seven different fish varieties procured from the market, including Spanish mackerel, crucian carp, black carp, clear river fish, mackerel, carp, and bighead carp. Our findings indicate that not all fish items in the market can be identified through the utilization of universal primers for the COI gene. New primers should be designed to optimize the DNA streaking technique. The results from the PCR amplification of DNA extracted from mixed fish meat indicated that, simultaneously, COI was unable to identify mixed fish products using the DNA streaking technique. New universal primers for the COI gene or PCR amplification of double or multiple genes can enhance DNA barcode technology. This improvement reduces fish product adulteration, ensuring market order, and protecting consumer rights and interests.


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How to cite this paper

Application of DNA Barcode COI Sequence in the Identification of Common Fish Adulteration

How to cite this paper: Ruining Kang, Qingxiang Zhang, Qing Yang, Zhengpeng Wei, Yanbo Wang, Jinmei Wang, Lanlan Zhu. (2023) Application of DNA Barcode COI Sequence in the Identification of Common Fish AdulterationInternational Journal of Food Science and Agriculture7(4), 493-500.