
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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On the Acceptance of Western Expressionism in Chinese Drama in the Early 20th Century—Take the Early Plays of Guo Moruo, Hong Shen and Cao Yu as Examples

Yonghao Hong

School of Liberal Arts, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China.

*Corresponding author: Yonghao Hong

Published: January 17,2024


Expressionism is a dramatic and artistic movement that rose in Europe from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, and its influence spread rapidly all over the world. Influenced by the spirit of the May 4th movement, Chinese playwrights in the early 20th century began to try to introduce new dramatic styles and artistic forms in the face of the shackles of traditional ideas. This innovative spirit provides the soil for Chinese drama to accept Western expressionism. Guo Moruo, Hong Shen, and Cao Yu have an important influence on the history of Chinese drama. At the same time, their early plays have typical characteristics of expressionism, which can represent the acceptance of expressionism at each stage in China. The acceptance process can be roughly divided into four stages: initial stage, contact and enlightenment, experiment and innovation, and influence expansion. However, influenced by war factors, the influence of expressionism on Chinese drama has been greatly weakened since the 1940s.


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How to cite this paper

On the Acceptance of Western Expressionism in Chinese Drama in the Early 20th Century—Take the Early Plays of Guo Moruo, Hong Shen and Cao Yu as Examples

How to cite this paper: Yonghao Hong. (2023) On the Acceptance of Western Expressionism in Chinese Drama in the Early 20th Century—Take the Early Plays of Guo Moruo, Hong Shen and Cao Yu as ExamplesJournal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science7(12), 2589-2593.