
The Educational Review, USA

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Path Analysis of Teachers’ and Parents’ Support on School Bullying: The Mediator Role of Discipline Climate

Qizhong Hu1, Shoubao Gao2,*

1College of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.

2School of Physics and Electronic Science, Shandong Normal University, Jinan, Shandong, China.

*Corresponding author: Shoubao Gao

Published: December 30,2023


Bullying is a significant problem, but there is uncertainty surrounding ways to reduce it. This study utilizes cross-country data from PISA 2018 to investigate potential influences on bullying. Additionally, existing literature on bullying is reviewed to identify promising policy changes. The findings indicate several significant factors related to school bullying, including student gender, grade, family socioeconomic status, school nature, and region. The study reveals that the school discipline climate acts as a mediator between teacher support and school bullying, as well as between parent support and school bullying. It is evident that support from both families and teachers plays a crucial role in effectively preventing school bullying. Although absenteeism and tardiness do not significantly moderate school bullying, they do show a positive correlation with it. Therefore, fostering a positive school atmosphere can help reduce the occurrence of school bullying. These findings provide evidence-based insights into the impact of family and school support on bullying in educational settings. Based on the research, implementing prevention strategies at the school, teacher, family, and student levels is recommended.


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How to cite this paper

Path Analysis of Teachers' and Parents' Support on School Bullying: The Mediator Role of Discipline Climate

How to cite this paper: Qizhong Hu, Shoubao Gao. (2023). Path Analysis of Teachers' and Parents' Support on School Bullying: The Mediator Role of Discipline Climate.The Educational Review, USA7(12), 1968-1979.