Article Open Access
Research-Based Instructional Strategies that Improve Educational Practices: A systematic Literature Review
Steven George Francis Luwingu 1,*, Jesca Harriet Audo 2
1 Singachini Teachers' College, Moshi-Tanzania.
2 Shimoni Core Primary Educators' College, Kampala- Uganda.
*Corresponding author: Steven George Francis Luwingu, Singachini Teachers' College, Moshi- Tanzania.
Published: December 6,2019
No Learner Left Behind was passed because it requires using research based or evidence-based practices in instruction strategies and professional development. If Teaching could become an evidence-based profession, educational researcher practitioners would be made more accountable to educators. This article presents research-based instructional strategies that every educator must know and apply together with suggestions for classroom practices. These instructional strategies emerge from systematic review of the literature of four different sources: Research on the mind that help learners learn compound tasks; Research on classroom instructional processes that are used by most effective educators; Research on instructional ideologies that every educator must know; and Research on how the mind obtains and applies information.
Five Key ideas emerged from this review: (a) The most successful educators ensures that learners proficiently learnt, practiced, and associated knowledge. Many educators went on to hands-on-activities, but always after, not before, the basic material was learned. (b) Many of the skills instructed in classrooms can be taken by providing prompts, exhibiting use of the prompt, and then guiding learners as they develop independence. (c) The most effective educators spent more time in guided practice, more time requesting questions, more time proving for content acquisition, and more time amending mistakes. (d) One distinctive of effective educators is their ability to forestall learners’ mistakes and warn them about likely mistakes some of them are likely to make. (e) The best way to become an expert is through thousands of hours to practice. As a matter of fact, the more the rehearsal the learner does, the better the results.
However, Post-graduate training seems to back up raising numbers practitioners regarding educational research knowledge. Educational research practitioners who are using research are likely to be doing so in the context of academic learning. Educator continuous professional development that improves the learning of all learners prepares Educational research practitioners to apply research to decision making.
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How to cite this paper
Research-Based Instructional Strategies that Improve Educational Practices: A systematic Literature Review
How to cite this paper: Luwingu, S.G.F., Audo, J.H. (2019). Research-Based Instructional Strategies that Improve Educational Practices: A systematic Literature Review. The Educational Review, USA, 3(12), 194-199.