
The Educational Review, USA

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TÍTULO: Citizen participation in the digital public sphere in Cuba? Debate on constitutional reform in the digital forums of the news platforms Cubadebate and Oncuba

Luis Yaim Martínez Acebal B.J

Bachelor of Journalism from the Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas, in Santa Clara, Cuba.

*Corresponding author: Luis Yaim Martínez Acebal B.J

Published: November 18,2019


Reflecting on a utopian system of political relationship between State and citizenship generates the fundamental debate of this article. In the following pages, reference is made to Cuba and its people, in a relationship that holds as a background the analysis of the link between government and electronic democracy, in a scenario dominated by the authoritarian discourse of the regime in power. The construction of a digital public sphere constitutes the motive for determining the existence of citizen participation in Cuban public space. The case study is the consultation and referendum of the Cuban Constitution, during 2018 and 2019, through two online news platforms: Cubadebate and OnCuba. This article emphasizes, through content analysis, the interdependence of these spheres in order to access a general perspective of the Internet impacts on politics, mainly in the Cuban context. Its main contribution is of a theoretical nature by highlighting the existence or not of a digital public sphere in Cuba.


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How to cite this paper

TÍTULO: Citizen participation in the digital public sphere in Cuba? Debate on constitutional reform in the digital forums of the news platforms Cubadebate and Oncuba

How to cite this paper: Luis Yaim Martínez Acebal B.J. (2019). TÍTULO: Citizen participation in the digital public sphere in Cuba? Debate on constitutional reform in the digital forums of the news platforms Cubadebate and Oncuba. The Educational Review, USA, 3(11), 175-186.