
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Discussion on the Board of Directors’ Authority

Lin Hui

Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun, Jilin, China.

*Corresponding author: Lin Hui

Published: November 27,2023


Under the changes of structural reform in company law, the separation of powers in corporate governance has shifted from being abstract and vague to becoming more specific and defined. From the perspective of power distribution between the shareholders' meeting and the board of directors, the corporate governance model can be more specific, effective, and tailored to the market environment. The main purpose of the shareholders' meeting is to enhance the interests of shareholders and guide the company towards sustainable and stable development. On the other hand, if the focus is on the management of the board of directors, the overall business interests of the company will be prioritized for development. Therefore, the amendment of the company law should not only consider how to defend the interests of shareholders but also enable the board of directors to make more effective judgments on decision-making matters and enhance the company's decision-making power. The company should not only be responsible for the tasks of shareholders but also take into account the overall development of the company. The board of directors, as the executive body of the company, is more conducive to balancing the relevant interests of the company.


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How to cite this paper

Discussion on the Board of Directors' Authority

How to cite this paper: Lin Hui. (2023) Discussion on the Board of Directors' Authority. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science7(10), 2044-2047.