
The Educational Review, USA

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Scrutinizing Interlingual and Intralingual Error: Basis for English Writing Program

Agbay, Noralyn G., Reyes, Yolanda D. Ed.D. *

Bataan Peninsula State University, Balanga Bataan 2100, Philippines.

*Corresponding author: Reyes, Yolanda D. Ed.D.

Published: October 25,2019


An error-free written works in expected from every English language teacher. However, writing is one of the most challenging skills in learning second language. In fact, learner’s error in second language resulted from the learner’s assumptions that second language and native language are formed similarly and from negative transfer within the target language which are known as Interlingual and Intralingual errors respectively (Sari, 2016). In the Philippine setting, the result of the study conducted by Magno (2014) showed that error analysis among Education, major in English students yielded errors in verb tense, structure, punctuation, choice of words, spelling and so on. In line with this, the present study aimed at identifying and classifying the writing errors of the third-year college of education, English major student which will serve as the basis for an intervention program that will hone their writing skills. In the pursue of the study, findings showed that under intralingual error, tense-related errors ranked first with 15.54% followed by fragments with 12.95% and run-on with 11.66% that were caused mainly by negative transfer which ranked first with 49.42% followed by lack of knowledge with 24.32% under interlingual errors.


Implementation of the formulated intervention program is highly recommended.

Further studies on the effectiveness of the formulated intervention program are highly recommended.  

Also,  inclusion  of  essay  writing  during  placement  assessment  of  the  incoming  English  major  students  is  highly  recommended.

Comprehensive  discussion  of  the  evaluated  errors  of  the  students  during  oral  diagnostic  in  English  is  also  highly  recommended.

Lastly, one of the limitations of this study is its generalizability since, the present study is exclusive only to the third-year level and to the English major students.  Thus, replication of the said study to other year-levels and other fields of specialization is highly recommended.

How to cite this paper

Scrutinizing Interlingual and Intralingual Error: Basis for English Writing Program

How to cite this paper: Agbay, Noralyn G. and Reyes, Yolanda D. Ed.D. (2019). Scrutinizing Interlingual and Intralingual Error: Basis for English Writing Program. The Educational Review, USA, 3(10), 142-151.