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Research on the International Application and Countermeasures of Public Transportation of MaaS

Jialiang Wei*, Jinsun Lee

Woosong University, Daejeon, South Korea.

*Corresponding author: Jialiang Wei

Published: November 17,2023


Currently, urban traffic in many countries is plagued by issues such as severe road congestion, excessive energy consumption, and heightened traffic pollution. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a new and effective solution to promote the sustainable development of urban transportation. After the concept of MaaS (Mobility as a Service, Travel as a service) was first proposed at the EU ITS Conference in 2014, MaaS became a hot topic in the field of transportation and has been widely promoted and applied in numerous cities across different countries. The proposal of the MaaS system provides the possibility to solve the aforementioned problems. As a new form of travel service, the MaaS system enhances the quality of travel by reducing passenger travel time, expanding transfer options, and improving service accessibility and diversity. MaaS will also bring about profound changes in traditional transportation services, supply and demand organization, travel behavior, and even traffic governance.


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How to cite this paper

Research on the International Application and Countermeasures of Public Transportation of MaaS

How to cite this paper: Jialiang Wei, Jinsun Lee. (2023). Research on the International Application and Countermeasures of Public Transportation of MaaS. Engineering Advances3(5), 395-400.