
The Educational Review, USA

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Can lecturers reflect on the influence of Moodle curricular on students’ success?

Cedric Bheki Mpungose

Discipline of education and Curriculum Studies, School of Education, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa.

*Corresponding author: Cedric Bheki Mpungose

Published: October 18,2019


An important development in higher education is the demand to adopt new educational technology and information to frame student success. In response, Moodle Learning Management Platforms (LMP) provide informal and formal curricula which brings challenges to lecturers and they seem reluctant to embrace it for student success. This article presents a qualitative critical action research of three out of eight lecturers. Purposive with convenience sampling were used to choose the three most accessible lecturers who were teaching science modules. The article aimed to explore lecturers’ reflections on the impact of Moodle curricula on student success. The lecturers’ reflective activity and one-on-one semi-structured interview were utilized for data generation. This was driven by two research question namely: what are lecturers' reflections on and in the use of Moodle curricula to attain student success? and why do lecturers reflect on and in use of Moodle curricula using particular ways to attain student success?. Inductive and deductive processes were used to ensure qualitative guided analysis of the generated data. Triangulation, transferability, dependability, confirmability and credibility was maintained to ensure trustworthiness. The study concluded that lecturers were using formal reflections to be more familiar with formal curriculum than informal curriculum of Moodle, and this impaired student success. Consequently, this article recommends lecturers to use reflective process to align informal with formal Moodle curriculum in order to attain student success.


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How to cite this paper

Can lecturers reflect on the influence of Moodle curricular on students' success?

How to cite this paper: Mpungose CB. (2019). Can lecturers reflect on the influence of Moodle curricular on students' success? The Educational Review, USA, 3(9), 127-134.