Jing Xia
School of General Education, Hunan University of Information Technology, Changsha, Hunan, China.
*Corresponding author: Jing Xia
As an interdisciplinary discipline, applied linguistics has become one of the important disciplines in the study of language, education, and society. Teaching English in higher education is one of the important areas of applied linguistics. Applied linguistics can provide theoretical support and practical guidance for English teaching in higher education, while English teaching in higher education can provide practical scenarios and research materials for the study of applied linguistics. Therefore, integrating the relationship between applied linguistics and English teaching in higher education is of great significance to promote the development of applied linguistics and improve the quality of English teaching in higher education. This paper will discuss in depth the relationship between applied linguistics and college English teaching, hoping to help the development of English teaching. It is believed that the research in this paper can provide some useful references for English teachers and students, promote the in-depth integration and development of applied linguistics and English teaching in higher education, and improve students' English proficiency and comprehensive quality so that it can contribute to the cultivation of excellent talents with international vision and competitiveness.
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How to cite this paper
Integrating the Relationship Between Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching in Higher Education
How to cite this paper: Jing Xia. (2023). Integrating the Relationship Between Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching in Higher Education. The Educational Review, USA, 7(9), 1404-1407.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/er.2023.09.032