
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research

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Comparative Study of 2 Doses of Sufentanyl (2.5μg Versus 5μg) in The Rachianesthesia for Cesarean Section

Ango Privat Désiré MD
Clinic Manager's Assistant at Felix Houpouet Boigny University in Abidjan; Abidjan Medical Sciences Training and Research Unit (UFR-SMA) 17 BP 71 Abidjan 17 - Republic of Côte d'Ivoire (RCI)
Kone Nabitou MD
Anesthetist, Clinic Manager's Assistant; UFR -SMA
Adjé Tchimou Serge MD
Anesthetist, Hospital Assistant; Hospital University (HU) of Treichville (RCI)
Kouame Kouakou Antoine
Internal Hospital, Hospital University (HU) of Treichville (RCI)
Sai Servais Sontia
Internal Hospital, Hospital University (HU) of Treichville (RCI)
Diomandé Sogbety Erick
Hospital interns, Hospital University (HU) of Treichville (RCI)
Boua Narcisse Ph D
Anesthetist, University Professor, Alasane ouattara Unversity in Bouaké. Bouaké Medical Sciences Training and Research Unit (UFR -SM Bouaké) (Republic of Côte d'Ivoire)
*Corresponding author: Ango Privat Désiré MD, Anesthetist Tel = (+225)0781500/06952228. Clinic Manager's Assistant at Felix Houpouet Boigny University in Abidjan; Abidjan Medical Sciences Training and Research Unit (UFR-SMA) 17 BP 71 Abidjan 17 - Republic of Côte d'Ivoire (RCI)
Published: July 15,2019


Background: During the Rachianesthesia, many substances including opioids, are administered intrathecally as adjuvants of local anesthetics. The aims, was to compare the efficacy of spinal anesthesia with bupivacaine 10 mg plus sufentany l 2,5 versus 5 micrograms during caesarean section.
Methods: This is a descriptive, comparative and retrospective study conducted in the operating room of the obstetrics and gynecology department of the University Hospital of Treichville from April 2017 to March 2018. Were included in the study, 80 patients classified ASA I and II who underwent spinal anesthesia for cesarean section either with the combination of bupivacaine 10 mg + sufentanyl 2.5 μg (Group I, n = 37) or Bupivacaine 10 mg + sufentanyl 5 μg (Group II, n = 43). Our primary evaluation criteria were: duration of sensory and motor block, ephedrine consumption, and incidence of side effects peropeatively. Comparisons were made using the Chi 2 test, with a threshold of p ≤ 0.05 considered significant.
Results: The criteria evaluated in our patients studied were comparable: age (p0.315), size (p = 0.43), duration of motor block (p = 0.616), duration of postoperative analgesia (p = 0.30), as well as pruritus (p = 0.69). The incidence of side effects such as: Hypotension (p = 0.00), somnolence (p = 0.000), nausea (p = 0.00) vomiting (p0.04), were higher in Group II than in Group I. The distribution of patients according to the consumption of ephedrine was: 0.32 ± 1.97 (Gr I) vs 16.14 ± 7.29 (Gr II), with a significant stastiscal difference (p = 0.000)
Conclusions: Spinal anesthesia with bupivacaine 10 mg and sufentanyl 2.5 mcg provides satisfactory operating conditions and reduction of side effects compared to sufentanyl 5μg. 


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How to cite this paper

Comparative Study of 2 Doses of Sufentanyl (2.5μg  Versus 5μg) in The Rachianesthesia for Cesarean Section

How to cite this paper: Désiré, A.P., Nabitou, K., Serge, A.T., Antoine, K.K., Sontia, S.S., Erick, D.S., Narcisse, B.(2019) Comparative Study of 2 Doses of Sufentanyl (2.5μg Versus 5μg) in The Rachianesthesia for Cesarean Section. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research3(3), 106-111.