
The Educational Review, USA

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Research on Strategies for Enhancing Teaching Ability of Teachers in Local Universities under the Background of the Internet Era

Jiangping Deng1,*, Jianni He2

1The Graduate School, Jose Rizal University, Mandaluyong, Philippines.

2Xinjiang University of Political Science and Law, Tumushuke, Xinjiang, China.

*Corresponding author: Jiangping Deng

Published: July 28,2023


The high quality and deep development of national higher education is closely related to the teaching abilities of the teacher team. Under the current background, traditional education models have been left behind by the development trend of the times, and the exponential development and application trend of the Internet, intelligence, and informatization has been evident in various fields. At the same time, the intersectional research between the Internet and the teaching field is a current research hotspot. Teachers need to possess more comprehensive teaching abilities to cope with the current era. This study aims to explore how local college teachers can combine and apply Internet technology to enhance their skills, ensure teaching quality, and promote the development of higher education in China.


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How to cite this paper

Research on Strategies for Enhancing Teaching Ability of Teachers in Local Universities under the Background of the Internet Era

How to cite this paper: Jiangping Deng, Jianni He. (2023). Research on Strategies for Enhancing Teaching Ability of Teachers in Local Universities under the Background of the Internet Era. The Educational Review, USA7(6), 833-836.