
The Educational Review, USA

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The Cross-cultural Analysis of Preschools Morning Opening Scenes in Three Countries: China, Japan and the United States

Rong Cong

Shenyang City University, Shenyang, Liaoning, China.

*Corresponding author: Rong Cong

Published: July 28,2023


This paper is using approach—video analysis to analyse Joseph Tobin’s video, Preschools in Three Cultures Revisited, China, Japan and the United States. How preschools open seems to be an interesting and also easily forgettable phenomenon to be observed by social and educational researchers. The morning-opening scenes of six preschools in China, Japan and the United States (two in each country) are analysed and compared in this paper. The paper will list the similarities and differences of this cultural phenomenon. Different from the approach that Joseph used in his video—‘multivocal ethnography’, video analysis used in this study directly analysed the moving images recorded in morning-opening scenes, rather than the viewers’ feedback after viewing the video. The researcher is attempting to interpret culture from a non-essentialist point of view. It seems that the children in those preschools with better economic situation (Sinanlu preschool, Madoka preschool and St. Timothy Children Centre) can choose where and what to play with more freely, and also they have more time to play in the morning before the formal school day starts.


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How to cite this paper

The Cross-cultural Analysis of Preschools Morning Opening Scenes in Three Countries: China, Japan and the United States

How to cite this paper: Rong Cong. (2023). The Cross-cultural Analysis of Preschools Morning Opening Scenes in Three Countries: China, Japan and the United States. The Educational Review, USA7(6), 807-811.