“Double Reduction” is an important measure to reduce burden on students, relieve education anxiety and reshape the education ecology. Under the ideology of the mean doctrine, “degree” and “quantity” must be ascertained during the execution of the “Double Reduction” policy, setting healthy competition, overall coordination, changes in time and harmonious symbiosis as the baseline, adhering to the “mean” and “original”, and finally achieve the state of “harmony”. Faced with dilemmas such as excessive competition, the game of interest, and education anxiety, the mean doctrine must be followed as the guide to return to the essence of education with measures including well-executed “addition and subtraction”, improvement of education quality, balanced “degree” of competition, promotion of family, school and community integration, grasping the essence of policies and reshaping the education ecology. This could resolve the conundrum of policy implementation and reconstruct the education ecology of high-quality development.
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