
The Educational Review, USA

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Intercultural Education with Digital Media in Higher Education Cultural Difference, Identity, and Power

Qingzhi Deng

Department of Business English, Guangdong Peizheng College, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China.

*Corresponding author: Qingzhi Deng

Published: July 28,2023


COVID-19 has had an indelible impact on the world, and the education sector has also changed to a certain extent, such as the widespread application of digital technology, the popularization of online courses in higher education, etc. Both students and teachers are getting used to digital technology as a method and tool in many curricula. In addition, the geographical restrictions and traffic barriers in different regions caused by the pandemic make people increasingly rely on social media and the Internet for cultural exchanges. By looking into the previous studies on intercultural education, the factor of digital media is overlooked in the field. On top of this, the research will focus on the digital changes in intercultural education in universities, and explores the relationships between digital media and intercultural education, with themes in cultural differences, identity, and power, by taking examples of the digital experience of college students, including the social media applications for entertainment and studying purposes. The study aims to explore the characteristics of intercultural education in digital times, and provide some reference for intercultural exchanges in higher education, such as the responsibilities that teachers and students should undertake in this regard.


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How to cite this paper

Intercultural Education with Digital Media in Higher Education Cultural Difference, Identity, and Power

How to cite this paper: Qingzhi Deng. (2023). Intercultural Education with Digital Media in Higher Education Cultural Difference, Identity, and Power. The Educational Review, USA7(6), 797-801.