
The Educational Review, USA

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Research on the Causes of Children’s Conflicts

Ziwei Li*, Qing Lu, Xiaoya Zhou

School of Education, China West Normal University, Nanchong, Sichuan, China.

*Corresponding author: Ziwei Li

Published: July 28,2023


Children's conflict is a malign consequence of children's anxiety. Due to the immaturity of children's physical and psychological development, the anxiety generated by their psychological conflicts cannot be released by appropriate language expression and practical actions, thus resulting in accumulation. Compared with adolescents and adults, children's behavior is easier to change. Early guidance and intervention can quickly restore children's lives to a normal state. Therefore, it is very crucial to actively and effectively alleviate children's anxiety. In terms of classification, children's conflict is mainly divided into the parent-child conflict, teacher-child conflict and peer conflict. Separation, neglect and inappropriate family rearing way will lead to the accumulation of children's anxiety. When the anxiety of children exceeds a certain level, it will bring serious negative effects on the follow-up development of children, and even irreversible harm. Therefore, this study specifically analyzes the causes, adverse consequences and importance from the three types of children's conflicts.


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How to cite this paper

Research on the Causes of Children's Conflicts

How to cite this paper: Ziwei Li, Qing Lu, Xiaoya Zhou. (2023). Research on the Causes of Children's Conflicts. The Educational Review, USA7(6), 793-796.