The German Ideology first comprehensively expounds the principle of historical materialism, systematically clears philosophical beliefs and schools before the 19th century, exposes the essence of various ideologies in German society at that time, and establishes a scientific world outlook and methodology. Through the study of this book, Marx and other philosophical schools, including the Young Hegelism and Feuerbach Humanism, have fundamentally drawn a clear line, and have been committed to promoting philosophy to gradually become an important force in the transformation of the working class and the working people, providing important theoretical guidance for the later liberation of the working class and the working people. In the German Ideology, Marx and Engels' theoretical conception of historical materialism, including its basic premise, basic problems, and the power and direction of human social development, is more important than other theories. Therefore, this paper deeply analyzes the internal reason why historical materialism has become a scientific theory through the interpretation of Marx's philosophical interpretation of social and economic laws hidden behind material phenomena, deeply analyze the internal reasons why historical materialism has become a scientific theory, It provides certain reference for the research of scholars in relevant fields.
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How to cite this paper
A Study of the Theory of Historical Materialism in German Ideology
How to cite this paper: Zhuanxiong Hu. (2023). A Study of the Theory of Historical Materialism in German Ideology. The Educational Review, USA, 7(6), 784-788.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/er.2023.06.027