Under the background of the new era, China's college education work needs continuous innovation. In the actual process of education, colleges and universities need to pay full attention to the ideological and political education work, and constantly innovate in the ways and methods of education. Psychological counseling can play an important role in the ideological and political education in colleges and universities, and reflects a relatively unique value. On the one hand, psychological counseling, in terms of its function and attribute, can help the ideological and political educators and effectively solve the psychological problems of the educational objects. On the other hand, psychological counseling can to a certain extent enable college students to effectively self-adjustment, so that their body and mind can achieve all-round development. If we want to play the practical role of psychological counseling in the ideological and political education in colleges and universities, it is necessary to take more effective methods in the process of daily work, make full use of the theories and skills of psychology, and further optimize the traditional ideological and political education methods. Based on the above perspectives, the paper analyzes the actual situation of psychological counseling in ideological and political education in colleges and universities, and explores its optimization strategy, hoping to provide reference for the ideological and political work in colleges and universities in China.
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How to cite this paper
The Current Situation and Strategy Analysis of Psychological Counseling in College Ideological and Political Education
How to cite this paper: Guili Lv. (2023). The Current Situation and Strategy Analysis of Psychological Counseling in College Ideological and Political Education. The Educational Review, USA, 7(6), 771-774.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/er.2023.06.024