
The Educational Review, USA

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Project-based Learning in Translation Teaching: A Case of Audiovisual Translation Project

Ning Li

Beijing International Studies University, Beijing, China.

*Corresponding author: Ning Li

Published: July 28,2023


Much has been researched and discussed on the translator training and a variety of translation teaching methods have been in active use in translation classrooms. To have teaching more closely connected and interact with actual translation practice, explorations are still in need. Taking the project-based learning as the approach, this paper made an attempt in integrating the contracted project into classroom teaching of translation, illustrated with a real case of audiovisual translation in the pursuit of offering reference for translation teaching and translator training. Reflections and summaries of the students, the teacher instructor, editors and the project manager show that the project-based learning is fruitful for all the agents involved, especially for the students who benefit most for their translation learning. As it is expected, there are some aspects in students’ translation learning that cannot be reached by classroom teaching. Students participated in the project have been improved in their translation competence in terms of extra-linguistic knowledge, knowledge about translation, strategic choices with the help of their own mistakes and professionals in the industry.


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How to cite this paper

Project-based Learning in Translation Teaching: A Case of Audiovisual Translation Project

How to cite this paper: Ning Li. (2023). Project-based Learning in Translation Teaching: A Case of Audiovisual Translation ProjectThe Educational Review, USA7(6), 765-770.