Zengke Wang
Adamson University, Manila, Philippines.
*Corresponding author: Zengke Wang
Objective: To use a descriptive comparative correlation study design to conduct a questionnaire test on tennis players in Hainan University, investigate and analyze the leadership style of coaches, and explore a broader understanding by allowing tennis players to evaluate the leadership style of coaches. Methods: 312 tennis players and 5 tennis teachers and coaches of Hainan University were studied with 317 people to test their related indicators and interview-related questions. To analyze the data to be gathered, SPSS 27 will be used for the data management of the responses. Outcome: Coaches' primary role is to motivate athletes to improve their performance. Coaches are also responsible for building sound, positive relationships with their athletes because they significantly impact the athletes' training processes, performance outcomes, and many aspects of their personal lives. Conclusion: Players’ sex, age, and year level can be directly influenced by their coaches’ attributes, leadership, and emotional state. The tennis coaches' leadership style in various dimensions is relatively high as assessed by the student players. The personal attributes of the players have the impact of the quality of leadership of the coaches.
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How to cite this paper
Leadership Styles of the Tennis Teacher-coaches in a Selected University in China: Inputs for a Leadership Coaching Program
How to cite this paper: Zengke Wang. (2023). Leadership Styles of the Tennis Teacher-coaches in a Selected University in China: Inputs for a Leadership Coaching Program. The Educational Review, USA, 7(6), 681-687.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/er.2023.06.005