
The Educational Review, USA

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Measures to Overcome EFL Beginners’ Communication Anxiety

Shiyu Han

China West Normal University, Nanchong, Sichuan, China.

*Corresponding author: Shiyu Han

Published: July 25,2023


English learning anxiety, especially speaking and communication anxiety causes a big threat to English learners (beginners). How to reduce or how to overcome communication anxiety becomes a heated discussion in recent decades. The present study aims at analyzing factors that might cause speaking and communication anxiety: lack vocabulary, low self-efficacy, interpersonal anxiety and so on. Analyzing factors contribute to arouse language teachers’ attention on students’ affective factors on speaking and communication. So, the study put forward several feasible ways to help English language teachers relieve and overcome EFL beginners’ language anxiety, using affective strategies, teaching students communicative strategies, providing opportunities and activities for students to practice, creating natural and relaxing learning environment are equally important and favorable. A comprehensive understanding of these areas is necessary and essential to improve English speaking skill teaching and learning as well as fluent, native and natural communication so that the students’ key competence can be cultivated comprehensively.


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How to cite this paper

Measures to Overcome EFL Beginners' Communication Anxiety

How to cite this paper: Shiyu Han. (2023). Measures to Overcome EFL Beginners' Communication Anxiety. The Educational Review, USA7(6), 676-680.