Shoushuai Chu*, Rongze Wei
Jilin Normal University, Siping, Jilin, China.
*Corresponding author: Shoushuai Chu
According to the relevant investigation, loneliness is the most easily produced emotion in the social process of left-behind children, and it is a common psychological problem of left-behind children. At the same time, as the rapid development of the economy, the development of urban and rural areas gradually appeared a state of two-tier differentiation. A large number of young and strong labor force to provide better economic security for their children, have left their hometown to work, choosing to leave their children home, the number of left-behind children is increasing year by year as a result of being brought up by one of the parents or the elders or relatives in the family. At present, the physical and psychological development of “Left-behind children” is a very important issue. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between peer relationship and loneliness of left-behind children. The specific content is only for reference.
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How to cite this paper
Study on the Relationship between Peer Relationship and Loneliness of Left-behind Children
How to cite this paper: Shoushuai Chu, Rongze Wei. (2023) Study on the Relationship between Peer Relationship and Loneliness of Left-behind Children. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, 7(5), 997-1001.