
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research

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Article Open Access

Briefly Analyze the Impact of Artificial Light Sources on Human Health—Take Zhuqiang Artificial Sunlight Lamp as an Example

Qiang Zhu

1Guangdong Zhuqiang Lighting Technology Co., Ltd., Guangdong, China.

2Beijing Times Quantum Health Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing, China.

*Corresponding author: Qiang Zhu

Published: June 8,2023


Artificial light source refers to a kind of luminous products and materials produced by people in daily life through their own inventions. With the improvement of science and technology, people's living needs continue to im-prove, the continuous progress of society, but also promote a series of artificial lighting equipment development and update. From the traditional torch, to today's LED lamps and fluorescent lamps, although they meet people's daily needs, but ignore the health problems of lighting. In fact, unhealthy lighting has profoundly affected human health, but few people pay attention to it. In this paper, the changes of the artificial spectroscopic light sources and the actual impact on human health in different spectral bands will be discussed. The specific situation of the impact on human emotions, immunity and vision from the perspective of natural spectrum and Zhuqiang spectrum will be analyzed. These would be help to better understand the artificial light source in our lives.


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How to cite this paper

Briefly Analyze the Impact of Artificial Light Sources on Human Health—Take Zhuqiang Artificial Sunlight Lamp as an Example

How to cite this paper:  Qiang Zhu. (2023) Briefly Analyze the Impact of Artificial Light Sources on Human Health—Take Zhuqiang Artificial Sunlight Lamp as an Example. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research7(2), 287-290.