
The Educational Review, USA

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Participations of College Students in the Organization and Planning of Sports Competitions and Its Impact on Their Leadership Skills

Wei Hu1,*, Lorna A. Espeso2

1Jiangxi Teachers College, Yingtan, Jiangxi, China.

2Adamson University, 900 San Marcelino Street, Ermita, Manila, Philippines.

*Corresponding author: Wei Hu

Published: May 31,2023


By 2022, there will be a total of 3005 universities nationwide, and the number of freshmen admitted in a single year will exceed 7.9 million. The popularization of university development has made outstanding contributions to the development of the regional economy. Every year, a large number of college students graduate to work in enterprises. For enterprises, the employees they want should have certain leadership. For college students, where does the knowledge of leadership come from? Obviously, he can't come from books completely. He needs to get it through practice. Teachers need conscious training to improve their leadership while teaching. The growth ways of leadership mainly include theoretical study, practice, repeated experiments, guidance from others, etc. In practice, students are required to develop their leadership skills by participating in activities or community activities organized by the school or class. This paper will use the methods of literature research, investigation, and logical analysis to analyze the leadership training of college students, and find out what the impact of students' sports competition organization planning on leadership skills is. This will provide a theoretical basis for leadership practice and physical education, as well as a reference for students how to improve their leadership.


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How to cite this paper

Participations of College Students in the Organization and Planning of Sports Competitions and Its Impact on Their Leadership Skills

How to cite this paper: Wei Hu, Lorna A. Espeso. (2023). Participations of College Students in the Organization and Planning of Sports Competitions and Its Impact on Their Leadership Skills. The Educational Review, USA7(4), 520-525.