
The Educational Review, USA

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Factors Influencing the Leadership of Physical Education Teachers: Basis for Enhanced Professional Development Program

Yiran Yang*, Servillano Marquez Jr.

Adamson University, 900 San Marcelino Street, Ermita, Manila, Philippines.

*Corresponding author: Yiran Yang

Published: May 31,2023


Physical education teacher leadership has a profound impact on the personal and instructional development of teachers. In the teaching process of physical education teachers, leadership is an important ability among the comprehensive abilities of individuals, and it can be said that the level of leadership reflects the comprehensive quality of physical education teachers to a certain extent. In this paper, we discuss the influencing factors of physical education teachers' leadership and explore the ways to improve physical education teachers' teaching leadership through interview method and literature method. Physical education teacher leadership has multiple influences that encompass individual teachers' overall competencies as well as school-level influences. Therefore, by developing PE teachers' professional identity and improving their cognitive abilities, as well as their classroom organization and management skills and communication and interaction skills, we can improve PE teachers' leadership and achieve the overall improvement of individual PE teachers and the positive development of schools.


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How to cite this paper

Factors Influencing the Leadership of Physical Education Teachers: Basis for Enhanced Professional Development Program

How to cite this paper: Yiran Yang, Servillano Marquez Jr. (2023). Factors Influencing the Leadership of Physical Education Teachers: Basis for Enhanced Professional Development Program. The Educational Review, USA7(4), 515-519.