
The Educational Review, USA

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Cultivation of Music Creation and Creative Ability in Composition Teaching in Colleges and Universities

Renjie Guo

Academy of Music and Dance, Yulin Normal University, Yulin, Guangxi, China.

*Corresponding author: Renjie Guo

Published: May 16,2023


With the development of social economy, people's initial demand for material has gradually changed into their demand for spirit. Under this background, music, as an art, can relax people's mood and cultivate people's sentiments, and has gradually become an indispensable element in people's lives. However, the inherent mode can no longer meet people's demand for music, and its demand reflects diversified characteristics. Therefore, higher requirements are put forward for music creation, and innovative music creation can continuously meet people's needs. Music works are often the expression of the author's emotion, which contains a strong emotional color, which requires teachers to guide students to integrate their emotions into music creation when teaching composition, and constantly stimulate students' music creation and creative potential, thus presenting more excellent music works. In the composition teaching in colleges and universities, we pay attention to the cultivation of students' music creation and creative ability, and promote the innovation of music works. Based on this, this paper discusses the cultivation of students' music creation and creative ability, analyzes the importance of cultivating students' music creation and creative ability, and puts forward some effective training strategies.


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How to cite this paper

Cultivation of Music Creation and Creative Ability in Composition Teaching in Colleges and Universities

How to cite this paper: Renjie Guo. (2023). Cultivation of Music Creation and Creative Ability in Composition Teaching in Colleges and Universities. The Educational Review, USA7(4), 412-415.