
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Effect of Different Packaging Materials on Some Properties of Enhanced Aadun (Maize Meal Snack)

Bosede Adelola Orhevba*, Bamidele Olaiya Atteh

Department of Agricultural and Bioresources Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Niger State, Nigeria.

*Corresponding author: Bosede Adelola Orhevba

Published: May 6,2023


The optimum condition of the enhanced aadun was achieved at 5.18% moisture content, 16.04% protein, 5.77% fibre, 4.78% ash, 20.24% and 47.99% carbohydrate which was stored in the different packing materials namely, leaf (control) which is commonly used by the locals for storage aadun snack, low density polyethylene (LDPE), high density polyethylene (HDPE) and food grade plastic container (PC). The initial properties of the enhanced aadun (prior to storage) were determined, while the stored samples were kept for eighteen weeks. Samples in each packaging material were analysed for proximate and microbial loads at the end of every two weeks. The data obtained were analysed statistically to determine the effect of the packaging material on the aforementioned properties. Results for the proximate properties showed that the ash, fibre, fat, protein decreased significantly (P < 0.05) in all the samples while the carbohydrate and moisture contents increased significantly (P < 0.05). The samples in the PC, HDPE and LDPE were within the acceptable moisture limit (<10%) of snacks. The energy content also decreased significantly (P > 0.05). The choice of packaging material also influenced the level of microbial infestation within eighteen weeks of storage, with leaf permitting the highest, followed by LDPE, HPDE and then PC.


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How to cite this paper

Effect of Different Packaging Materials on Some Properties of Enhanced Aadun (Maize Meal Snack)

How to cite this paper:  Bosede Adelola Orhevba, Bamidele Olaiya Atteh. (2023) Effect of Different Packaging Materials on Some Properties of Enhanced Aadun (Maize Meal Snack). International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture7(1), 132-142.