
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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An Eye-Tracking Study: Understanding the Impact of Different Formations on People’s Visual Attention

Shouxuan Bi

Shanghai Starriver Bilingual School, No. 2588, Jindu Rd, Minhang District, Shanghai, China.

*Corresponding author: Shouxuan Bi

Published: May 5,2023


Formation widely appears in group activities, including taking photos, group dancing, synchronized skating, etc. There are many types of formations, and different formations provide different visual effects. This research focuses on evaluating how different formations affect people's attention. Pictures of mannequins were used as stimuli to avoid bias brought by appearance. Twenty subjects were recruited in total among which eight are females, and twelve are males. The subjects were assigned to two experimental groups, respectively. Group A watched three types of formations consisting of three mannequins. The three formations are "—" shape, "Λ" shape, and "V" shape facing toward the subjects. Group B was also required to watch the same three types of formations, consisting of five mannequins. An eye-tracker was used to record how subjects viewed different types of formation. Eye-tracking parameters were adopted to quantify visual attention, including total fixation duration and fixation count. Comparing the parameters of each dummy could reveal how different formations and the number of group members affect people's visual attention. According to the results, in all three formations, the one in the middle always attracts more attention in terms of fixation duration and fixation count. This applies to both Group A, and Group B. Members in other positions have no significant statistical difference. This finding provides quantitative visual information to the formation, which developed the understanding correspondingly. At the same time, it could facilitate formation design in various areas.


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How to cite this paper

An Eye-Tracking Study: Understanding the Impact of Different Formations on People's Visual Attention

How to cite this paper: Shouxuan Bi. (2023) An Eye-Tracking Study: Understanding the Impact of Different Formations on People's Visual Attention. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science7(3), 607-611.