
The Educational Review, USA

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Creativity in Dyslexic Individuals

Kateřina Šimčíková

Department of Special and Inclusive Education, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.

*Corresponding author: Kateřina Šimčíková

Published: September 18,2018


The literature review analyzes seven specialized papers, which are focused on issues of increased creativity of individuals with dyslexia. In connection with dyslexia, it starts to talk not only about deficits, but also about its possible positives, which develop in the context of possible weaknesses. In individuals with dyslexia are mentioned excellent visualization skills and increased creative potential. Based on some results of foreign research studies was proven a significantly higher level of creativity in persons with dyslexia in comparison with intact individuals in the group of adults with an average age greater than 18 years. Significantly higher level of acquired scores was not proven in children with dyslexia. It can be concluded that people with dyslexia have undoubtedly a specific creative potential.


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How to cite this paper

Creativity in Dyslexic Individuals

How to cite this paper: Kateřina Šimčíková. (2018). Creativity in Dyslexic IndividualsThe Educational Review, USA2(9), 458-467.