
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Proximate Analysis of Honey Samples: NIFOR Apiary and Open Market

T. I. Aneni, V. C. Adaigbe, C. O. Ogbebor, C. I. Okere, C. O. Aghayedo, V. K. Odoemelam*, O. O. Adeoye

Entomology Division, Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research, Nigeria.

*Corresponding author: V. K. Odoemelam

Published: January 31,2023


Two (2) different honey samples were obtained, one from colonized hives in NIFOR apiary and the other randomly purchased from the open market. Proximate composition of honey analysis includes moisture content; ash content; crude fibre; crude fat (or lipid); crude protein; and carbohydrate. The results of the proximate analysis carried out showed that moisture content for NIFOR honey was higher than that of the Market honey with values of 18.505 g/100g and 12.890 g/100g respectively. Ash content for NIFOR honey was in agreement with the known standard having recorded values of 0.2g/100g meanwhile, the Market honey recorded lower values 0f 0.002g/100g. Crude fat content for NIFOR honey was 0.013g/100g and that of the Market honey was 0.025g/100g, implying that NIFOR honey had much lower fat content when compared with the market honey sample. NIFOR honey had Crude protein content value of 1.410g/100g doubling the content in the Market honey sample which valued at 0.781g/100g, although both samples were in agreement with the known standard, they were compared with carbohydrate content for NIFOR honey was slightly lower in values than that of the Market honey but was closer to the value from the known standard. Also results of the mineral analysis carried out on both NIFOR and Market honey samples showed that, Potassium (K), Sodium (Na), Calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg) had higher values of 8.207mg/100g, 0.70mg/100g, 5.07mg/100g and 0.32mg/100g respectively in NIFOR honey which were obviously higher than the values of 2.163mg/100g, 0.50mg/100g, 3.95mg/100g and 0.22mg/100g respectively for Market honey. Manganese (Mn) content in NIFOR honey was 0.16mg/100g, although lower than value of 0.18mg/100g of Market honey but closer than the known standard when compared. Iron (Fe) content in the both samples were 1.10mg/100mg. Zinc (Zn) content in NIFOR honey was higher than that of the Market honey with values of 1.76mg/100mg and 0.16mg/100mg respectively. Copper (Cu) in NIFOR honey recorded values of 0.07mg/100mg which was closer to the known standard of 0.036mg/100mg when compared to that of Market honey which had a value of 0.12mg/100mg.Empirical results of the proximate and mineral analysis of both honey samples revealed that the tabulated t-values (2.571, 2.365) were greater than the calculated t-values (0.00658, 1.354) at an alpha level of 0.05 indicating a significant difference between the two samples. The proximate and mineral composition of both honey samples under investigation suggests that NIFOR honey is perceived to be higher in quality than the market honey.


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How to cite this paper

Proximate Analysis of Honey Samples: NIFOR Apiary and Open Market

How to cite this paper:  T. I. Aneni, V. C. Adaigbe, C. O. Ogbebor, C. I. Okere, C. O. Aghayedo, V. K. Odoemelam, O. O. Adeoye. (2023) Proximate Analysis of Honey Samples: NIFOR Apiary and Open Market. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture7(1), 33-40.