
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Investigating the Effective Factors in Achieving Sustainable Agricultural Development

Mehdi Zohdi Aghdam

Department of Agriculture and Plant Breeding, Khoy Branch, Azad Islamic University, Khoy, Iran.

*Corresponding author: Mehdi Zohdi Aghdam

Published: January 30,2023


Today, the growing population has caused more human needs for food, which has led to the expansion of agricultural production and adverse effects on soil and basic resources. Sustainable agriculture is a system that, while properly managing and using resources to meet human food needs, enhances the quality of the environment and natural resource reserves. Also, this system is economically dynamic and the resulting food does not have a negative effect on human life, and efforts have been made to preserve and care for resources for future generations. The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors affecting the development of sustainable agriculture. The research method of the present article is descriptive-analytical in the form of library study. The results of the study show that the government and related organizations can accelerate the achievement of sustainable agricultural development process with proper planning and optimal modeling.


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How to cite this paper

Investigating the Effective Factors in Achieving Sustainable Agricultural Development

How to cite this paper:  Mehdi Zohdi Aghdam. (2023) Investigating the Effective Factors in Achieving Sustainable Agricultural Development. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture7(1), 11-15.