
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Pre-extension Demonstration of Improved Teff Technologies in Selected Districts of Western Oromia

Berhanu Soboka*, Bayisa Gedefa

Oromia Agricultural Research Institute (OARI), Bako Agricultural Research Center (BARC), P.O. Box 03, Bako, Ethiopia.

*Corresponding author: Berhanu Soboka

Published: January 30,2023


The study was conducted in Jimma Arjo, Jimma Geneti, and Chaliya districts of western Oromia, during the 2020 cropping season year. The objective of the study was to demonstrate a recently released teff variety to the farmers. A new variety (Jitu) was planted along with a standard check (Dursi) on 100 m2 adjacent plots, adhering to all agronomic recommendations. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected and analyzed for this study. At maturity, participatory variety evaluation was done by using qualitative and quantitative traits/criteria set by the farmers to select the best variety for future use. Grain yield, disease tolerance, lodging tolerance, pest tolerance, and seed color were the first five most important criteria considered by the farmers in their order of importance. The new variety was ranked first on the basis of these criteria and was selected as the first option for future use by the farmers. An independent sample t-test was used to analyze quantitative data, while qualitative data were qualitatively analyzed and described. The mean grain yield performance of the varieties (q ha-1) was 19.87 ± 0.6 for Jitu and 17.76 ± 1.01 for Dursi variety. The new variety, accordingly exhibited a yield advantage of 12.22% over the standard check. The technology gap and technology index for Jitu were 5.43q and 21.46%, respectively while the values for Dursi were 6.24q and 26% witnessing more stability and feasibility of the new variety to the farmers. The financial analysis conducted reveals also that the net gain (47833.33 ETB ha-1) was higher for Jituthan for Dursi (40028.33 ETB ha-1) witnessing more profitability of the new variety compared to its counterpart. The new variety, has consequently, met the farmers’ demand both in terms of qualitative and quantitative traits including financial benefits than the standard check. This calls for wider dissemination of the variety with its full package to the farmers in the study area and those with similar agro-ecological conditions.


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How to cite this paper

Pre-extension Demonstration of Improved Teff Technologies in Selected Districts of Western Oromia

How to cite this paper:  Berhanu Soboka, Bayisa Gedefa. (2023) Pre-extension Demonstration of Improved Teff Technologies in Selected Districts of Western Oromia. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture, 7(1), 1-10.