
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Brachiaria ruziziensis fodder: A Supplementary Resource for Livestock in the Cotton Production Zone of Mali

Ba Alassane1,*, Traoré Sidi Oumar2, Diawara Mamadou Oumar3, Traoré Amadou2, Koné Abdoul Kader2, Coulibaly Doubangolo1

1Institut d'Economie Rurale (IER), Centre Régional de Recherche Agronomique (CRRA) de Sotuba, BP: 262, Bamako, Mali. 

2Institut d'Economie Rurale (IER), Centre Régional de Recherche Agronomique (CRRA) de Sikasso, BP: 16 Sikasso, Mali. 

3Département de Biologie, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques (FST), Université des Sciences, des Techniques et des Technologies de Bamako (USTT-B), Colline de Badalabougou, B.P. 3206 Bamako, Mali.

*Corresponding author: Ba Alassane

Published: January 16,2023


For providing vegetation cover, feeding animals during the lean periods and thus reducing the external reliance of producers, research in partnership with producers has undertaken the introduction and development of the Brachiaria ruziziensis forage crop in the farming systems. During the 2020-2021 rainy season, experiments were conducted among 40 producers in 8 villages in the cotton production zone of Mali. The experimental setup was a scattered block where each producer represents a replication. At each producer, the plot was divided into 3 treatments as follows: T1 = pure Brachiaria ruziziensis; T2 = maize and Brachiaria ruziziensis association and T3 = pure maize. Biomass production was highly variable between treatments. It was better in T1 with a production of 6,489 kg DM/ha; it was 4,041 kg DM/ha in T2 and 2,637 kg DM/ha in T3. However, the analysis of variance did not reveal a significant difference (0.4821) between treatments T2 and T3 for seed corn yield. The yield was 2,066 kg/ha in Q2 and 2,347 kg/ha in Q3. This shows that the corn/Brachiaria combination does not significantly affect the yield of seed corn. Economically, the grossmargin of T1 (532,433 CFA/ha) was more profitable than T2 (469,246 CFA/ha) and T3 (343,578 CFA/ha). These results show that the adoption of Brachiaria ruziziensis is one of the means for sustainable intensification of agricultural and livestock production systems in the cotton production zone of Mali.


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How to cite this paper

Brachiaria ruziziensis fodder: A Supplementary Resource for Livestock in the Cotton Production Zone of Mali

How to cite this paper:  Ba Alassane, Traoré Sidi Oumar, Diawara Mamadou Oumar, Traoré Amadou, Koné Abdoul Kader, Coulibaly Doubangolo. (2022) Brachiaria ruziziensis fodder: A Supplementary Resource for Livestock in the Cotton Production Zone of MaliInternational Journal of Food Science and Agriculture6(4), 409-415.