
The Educational Review, USA

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Teachers’ and School Administrators’ Perception on the Strategic Leadership Practices of School Administrators

Yolanda D. Reyes

College of Education, Bataan Peninsula State University, Balanga City Bataan, Philippines

*Corresponding author: Yolanda D. Reyes

Published: July 25,2018


This descriptive study identified how strategic leadership practices affect the management style of school administrators of teacher education institutions (TEIs) with nine selected State Universities in Central Luzon, Philippines. The study described the strategic leadership practices of school administrators in terms of Model the way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act and Encourage the Heart. Based on the data gathered, it was found out the strategic leadership practices of school administrators were perceived by both as satisfactory. It was also revealed that there was significant difference between the perception of faculty members and school administrators on the leadership practices of school administrators. Enabling Others to Act’ strategic leadership practice is the best predictor having the highest adjusted coefficient of determination (R2). It was recommended that the strategic leadership practices may be further improved as well as the strategic leadership to elevate the perception of teachers. Also, school administrator may capitalize on enabling others to act as strategic leadership practice since it has been found out that it is the best predictor.


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How to cite this paper

Teachers' and School Administrators' Perception on the Strategic Leadership Practices of School Administrators

How to cite this paper: Yolanda D. Reyes. (2018). Teachers' and School Administrators' Perception on the Strategic Leadership Practices of School Administrators. The Educational Review, USA, 2(8), 432-446.