
Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems

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Optimization Strategy of Multi-agent Integrated Energy System in Campus Considering Thermal and Electrical Demand Response

Run Wang

School of Electrical Engineering, Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang, Liaoning 110000, China.

*Corresponding author: Run Wang

Published: January 14,2023


The integrated energy system of industrial park is composed of multiple micro-grid subjects. When there is energy interaction between subjects, the interest interaction between subjects brings challenges to the operation of the integrated energy system of industrial park. Aiming at the multi-agent integrated energy system with energy sharing, in order to improve the energy supply economy of each agent, this paper studies an optimization strategy of the integrated energy system in the park considering the thermal and electrical demand response. Firstly, this paper takes the subjects composed of different equipment as the research object, and introduces the utility theory to build the demand response models of heat, electricity and gas based on the dynamic electricity and gas prices and the fuzzy degree of human body to temperature. In order to minimize the cost of the comprehensive energy system in the park, a distributed optimization strategy based on demand response and alternate direction multiplier method was proposed to realize the energy sharing among all the subjects in the park and improve the energy supply economy of the comprehensive energy system. Finally, an example is given to verify the effectiveness of the proposed model and method.


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How to cite this paper

Optimization Strategy of Multi-agent Integrated Energy System in Campus Considering Thermal and Electrical Demand Response

How to cite this paper: Run Wang. (2022) Optimization Strategy of Multi-agent Integrated Energy System in Campus Considering Thermal and Electrical Demand Response. Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems6(1), 85-94.