
The Educational Review, USA

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On the Misconceptions of 10th Grade Students about Analytical Geometry

Ayten Ozkan, Erdogan Mehmet Ozkan *, Sadullah Karapıcak

Department of Mathematics, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.

*Corresponding author: Erdogan Mehmet Ozkan

Published: July 25,2018


Mathematics is an indispensable tool of science and technology and a part of everyday life. Mathematics education is the most important factor in the rational approach of individuals to analytical thinking and problem solving of log problems. Errors and misconception are one of the factors that make mathematics education difficult. The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between the misconceptions of errors and concepts about analytical geometry, the attitudes of students towards analytic geometry, and the misconceptions of analytical geometry in order to overcome the object misconceptions. In the first stage, 2552 students in the 10th grade were studied. In the second stage, 299 students were studied and 10 students were interviewed to elicit the conceptual misconceptions from these students. The reason that the mathematical subjects are connected with each other is that the missing or wrong information obtained in previous sections leads to misconceptions in the course of the proceedings. For this reason, it is necessary for the student to go to new subjects by eliminating the misconceptions of the past. 


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How to cite this paper

On the Misconceptions of 10th Grade Students about Analytical Geometry

How to cite this paper: Ozkan, A. & ,Ozkan, E. M., & Karapıcak, S. (2018). On the Misconceptions of 10th Grade Students about Analytical Geometry. The Educationa Review, USA, 2(8), 417-426.