
Engineering Advances

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Article Open Access

Application of Intelligent Control in Mechatronics System

Xu Chen

HXC (Beijing) Certification Center Co., Ltd., Beijing, China.

*Corresponding author: Xu Chen

Published: January 12,2023


At present, the market has higher and higher technical requirements for mechatronics. In order to promote the development of mechatronic integration to a new stage, we must make good use of information technology, intelligent control applied to the process of industrial production, through the equipment to control the progress and quality of production, reduce the cost of human and material resources, to provide greater economic benefits for mechatronic integration. With the continuous increase of the added value of industrial products, the product precision requirements are higher and higher, accelerating the complexity of the industrial production process, and put forward higher requirements for the function of electromechanical integration system. Based on this, this time we will focus on the characteristics of intelligent control and its application in mechatronics.


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How to cite this paper

Application of Intelligent Control in Mechatronics System

How to cite this paper: Xu Chen. (2022). Application of Intelligent Control in Mechatronics System. Engineering Advances2(2), 182-185.