
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Article Open Access 10.26855/ijfsa.2018.06.001

Review of Saline Water Irrigation Logging and Salt Affected Soil on Maize (Zea Mays L.) Yield and Managements

Tasisa Temesgen
School of Natural Resource Management and Environmental Sciences, Haramaya University, Ethiopia

Corresponding author: Tasisa Temesgen
Published: June 18,2018


Severe waterlogging and salinity problems have challenged agricultural production, which has resulted in substantially lower yields than the potential. A critical review of recent studies on irrigation systems in developments was conducted from the historical point of view up to the present and the future. Waterlogging is the main drainage prob-lem in the small-scale irrigation schemes in the lowland area. Salinity and salinization is also a common phenomenon in the large and medium scale irrigation schemes   located in the lowlands area, major river basins with predominantly salt affected soils. The lack of functional drainage system and poor water management practices espe-cially in developing country have also significantly contributed to the frequent occur-rence of waterlogging and salt build-up in irrigation fields. The objective is reviewing different literatures on effect of water logging, saline water irrigation, and salt affected soil on maize yield and its management practice. The maize has not ability to germi-nate in the complete absence of oxygen, in standing water and soil structure disturbed due to salt. These problems caused due to excess of poor water application during irri-gation activity and raise of water table. Thus displacing the air, the land is said to be waterlogged. Waterlogging is full (i.e. above 100% saturated) when water table rises to the surface and through time it came to affect soil structure. Management of water logging through biological drainage is not sensitive to water logging and soil salt affected. Surface and subsurface drainage reduce excess of water in soil particle. Saline soil and sodic soil can be managed through leaching by excess water, Tillage, deep ploughing, farm manure and chemical amendments that are used to provide soluble calcium include gypsum and calcium chloride respectively. To stop the loss of yield and soil structure due to salt accumulation, it is necessary to use appropriate soil, water management practices and land reclamation techniques practiced and also selection of crop type and proper irrigation methods should be designed for sustainability of soil productivity.



How to cite this paper

Review of Saline Water Irrigation Logging and Salt Affected Soil on Maize (Zea Mays L.) Yield and Managements

How to cite this paper: Temesgen, T. (2018) Review of Saline Water Irrigation Logging and Salt Affected Soil on Maize (Zea Mays L.) Yield and Management's. International journal of food science and agriculture, 2(6), 95-107.
DOI: 10.26855/ijfsa.2018.06.001