International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Physio-Chemical Properties of Soil in Ganawuri, Plateau State, Nigeria

Wuyep Solomon Zitta1,*, Jatau Sarah2, Kwarfwang Kevin Jack1

1Department of Geography, Plateau State University, Bokkos, Nigeria.

2Department of Geography and Planning, University of Jos, Nigeria.

*Corresponding author: Wuyep Solomon Zitta

Published: September 14,2022


Increased food production is necessary for the fast growing population in the world. Soil health is associated with sustainable agriculture therefore the need to improve soil fertility and health is imperative. Sample of four soils were randomly selected at depth of 0-20cm for surface and 20-40cm for sub-surface. These sampled soils were taken and tested in the laboratory to determine their physio-chemical properties using various methods, based on the objectives. Results revealed that the soil colour shows a dark yellowish brown (10YR 3/6) for sub-face, yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) are seen under wet condition, and for the surface are brown (10YR 5/3) and sub-surface are very pale brown (10YR 6/3) under dried condition. The soil structure of the study area was found to be loamy sand at the surface and sub-surface. However, study revealed that soil pH is slightly acidic in nature and calcium chloride pH is moderately alkaline. Organic matter is moderately found. Nutrients such as potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium are low in the sampled soil. Total Exchangeable acidity (TEA) indicated a minimal quantity of aluminum and hydrogen (H) concentration. Electrical Conductivity shows that the soil is not saline in nature. The study therefore recommends crop rotation and agroforestry as well as addition of manures to improve the physio-chemical properties and soil fertility.


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How to cite this paper

Physio-Chemical Properties of Soil in Ganawuri, Plateau State, Nigeria

How to cite this paper: Wuyep Solomon Zitta, Jatau Sarah, Kwarfwang Kevin Jack. (2022) Physio-Chemical Properties of Soil in Ganawuri, Plateau State, Nigeria. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture6(3), 333-339.