
The Educational Review, USA

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Teacher Assistant in the Inclusive School Environment

Jan Viktorin 

Department of Special and Inclusive Education, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.

*Corresponding author: Jan Viktorin

Published: June 7,2018


The literature review deals with the issue of a teacher assistant for pupils with special educational needs in the inclusive school environment, especially the preferred level of education of teacher assistants, qualification assumptions, risks associated with improper involvement of assistants in teaching and the quality and intensity of cooperation between a teacher and a teacher assistant. An analysis of selected studies was used according to two basic thematic criteria: a teacher assistant for pupils with special educational needs and the inclusive school environment. The results of the study have shown that the intensive cooperation of a teacher assistant with a teacher, systematic preparation for lessons and a collective evaluation of assistants’ previous work are the most important preconditions for the effective performance. Other factors for the successful teacher assistant’s work are an appropriate level of education, knowledge, helpful approach to pupils, empathy and tolerance.


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How to cite this paper

Teacher Assistant in the Inclusive School Environment

How to cite this paper: Viktorin, J. (2018). Teacher Assistant in the Inclusive School Environment. The Educational Review, USA, 2(6), 320-329.